PBW Cleaning Tablets ATX

PBW Cleaning Tablets ATX

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6 Tablets. PBW is a safe alkaline cleaner developed for beer brewing equipment. While most parts of the BEERMKR can be cleaned in a dishwasher, PBW allows you do deep clean your BEERTAP tap line. Instructions for use: place 1 tablet of PBW into a cleaned BrewBag. Add 32oz of hot water. Install white valves and shake bag to dissolve PBW. Install bag into the BEERTAP and plug in the bottom tap valve. Open the black tap and allow gravity to push the cleaner through the tap line. Close the tap line once you see solution flowing and allow the solution to sit in the tap line for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes rinse thoroughly with hot water. Suggested frequency: every 5-10 brews, or whenever you see buildup in your tap line that is not cleared out by water.